In the realm of women's sexual wellness, the treatments related to the Mommy Makeover and labiaplasty procedures finally stepped into the light of acceptance last year, making it just the start of the current boom in women's sexual wellness treatments. With the now growing popularity of the Menopause Makeover, we are seeing the world of medical aesthetics embrace the significant need amongst female patients for treatments that address the hormonal changes that go through a woman's body during menopause. This goes beyong the Menopause Makeover to aspects of women's sexual wellness such as hormone therapy treatments being adopted by an increasing number of aesthetic practices.
The stigma once attached to women seeking aesthetic treatments for their sexual wellness, particularly for those treatments related to the onset of menopause, is rapidly dissapearing. Younger generations are fully embracing sexual wellness treatments and being open about the subject of sex and sexual wellness, and that acceptance is spreading through the different generations, leading to a veritable revolution in aesthetics around women's sexual wellness. New professional skin care lines are now being developed focused solely on serving women's sexual health needs, not to mention the increasing advances in new treatments geared towards women's sexual health. We've gone way past the acceptance of labiaplasty procedures and are well on our way to a major women's sexual health revolution. In my personal opinion, it's about time. Viva la revolution!
In our recent survey which asked, Do you want to learn about the latest sexual wellness treatments for women? 81% of readers said yes and 19% said no.
The growing interest in sexual wellness treatments for women in aesthetics has only just begun, meaning aesthetic practitioners wanting to provide the best care possible to their female patients going through hormonal and physical changes that come with age have to keep up with the rapid treatment advances in this area. Here are five informative MedEsthetics articles to help you do just that.
- Beauty Lounge Medical Spa Introduces Personalized Bio-Identical Hormone Pellet Therapy
- Menopause Makeovers Treat Physical Changes Caused by Hormonal Shifts
- Labiaplasty is Breaking Through the Taboo
- The Modernized Mommy Makeover Delivers Better Results with Less Discomfort
- Platelet-rich Plasma Could be the Solution to Infertility
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